Homelessness Monitor Launched
Today saw the official launch of the Homelessness Monitor Scotland 2019 by Crisis Scotland at a summit in Edinburgh.
The Homelessness Monitor is a longitudinal study providing an independent analysis of the homelessness impacts of recent economic and policy developments across the UK. The monitor is funded by Crisis and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Separate reports are produced for each UK nation. This year’s Scotland Monitor is an account of how homelessness stands in Scotland in 2019, or as close to 2019 as data availability allows. Written at a pivotal moment for homelessness policy and practice in Scotland, it also highlights emerging trends and forecasts some of the likely future changes, identifying the developments likely to have the most significant impacts on homelessness.
Professor Suzanne Fitzpatrick and Professor Mark Stephens from Heriot Watt University presented key findings from the monitor which include:
- Nearly 29,000 people were found to be legally homeless in Scotland in 2017/18
- The numbers in temporary accommodation…
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