Annual Report 2021 – Robert Gordon University

Our story so far...
Events that connect
Our events are designed to strengthen capacities and provide meaningful opportunities for academic-policy engagement.
Since 2019
People engaged
Since 2019
Building an online community
We develop and support our networks by providing unique access to UK-wide government and parliamentary enquiries, developing our online resources and highlighting resources and engagement opportunities via Twitter.
Subscriptions to our emails and Brokerage network
Subscribers to our inquiries service
Times people have used our online resources
Average monthly reach of our Tweets
Broadening access
We support broader access to Scottish academic expertise through our Brokerage network and by providing bespoke brokerage services, in response to requests from policy professionals.
People reached by our calls for experts
Responses to our calls for experts

Feedback from our network

How Robert Gordon University has engaged with SPRE
Looking ahead...
Expanding our resources

We have recently launched a ‘How to get started’ guide and are further developing our inquiries service, training and mentoring offerings, and online content.
Extending our networks

We are broadening and deepening our Brokerage network, and developing new networks to engage with Scottish Local Government and wider knowledge exchange communities of practice.
Refining our practices

We are engaging with diverse experts and research on research-policy engagement, to put theory into practice, both to improve how we work and to share this learning with others.